AppNavi: The Meddling Shogi Player 礙事的棋手 (Free)
一早預左今日出新 game, 去左成日澳門都心掛掛,入香港水域就即刻上網,打機打到攞紙筆出黎係咁畫,隔離位應該以為我痴左....
遊戲關鍵係要知道棋既移動方向, 明左既就唔難同好快可以解晒密碼 (但好煩,成日要對個表),唔明既都幾頭暈。再次忍唔住,玩完個 game 打完攻略先瞓,凌晨兩點半完成 ^O^
遊戲關鍵係要知道棋既移動方向, 明左既就唔難同好快可以解晒密碼 (但好煩,成日要對個表),唔明既都幾頭暈。再次忍唔住,玩完個 game 打完攻略先瞓,凌晨兩點半完成 ^O^
1. 手巾:門口右邊柜,中間横放一本書,打開書
Handkerchief: Inside the book, in the middle of the bookshelf
Handkerchief: Inside the book, in the middle of the bookshelf
2. 角棋:地球儀左邊 Kaku Piece: Next to the Globe
3. 貼子:門口右邊地球儀下,密碼鎖上方
Tape: above the safe lock, under the the Globe
Tape: above the safe lock, under the the Globe
4. 鏍絲批芯:雪柜,打開柜門,下方,地下 (順手將個温度掣右移令個柜凍)
Screwdriver shaft: open the fridge, can see it at the bottom of the fridge (Turn the temperature control to 'Freezer' first)
Screwdriver shaft: open the fridge, can see it at the bottom of the fridge (Turn the temperature control to 'Freezer' first)
5. 鏡碎片:雪柜,右方,從大塊爛鏡拎下
Mirror shards: from the broken mirror
Mirror shards: from the broken mirror
6. 水龍頭柄:棋子枱 B, 左邊有盒棋,入面
Faucet's handle: click to the table B, left side, inside the shogi pieces boxes
7. 將棋:綠色黑板,右邊,左下方,貼左响度
Osho piece: right side of the black board, left bottom side,sticking on the black board
8. 杯:
i)去綠色黑板睇玩法,再去ABCD 枱睇棋既布局,但只可以响棋盤內移動,揾倒密碼開鎖: 7149,去打書枱前個櫈鎖住嗰個杯
Glass: go to the black board to study the moving rules of the pieces, and go check out all pieces on table ABCD (need to click also the ABCD words on the table as well). Go to the green chair in front of the desk, key in the password "7149"
Glass: go to the black board to study the moving rules of the pieces, and go check out all pieces on table ABCD (need to click also the ABCD words on the table as well). Go to the green chair in front of the desk, key in the password "7149"
A: 飛 ﹣ 只上,下,左, 右 移動,因上,右已出棋盤範圍既都唔計,如下...
A:Hisha piece - can move only up, down, left and right. As up and right side already out of the board, no need to count. So you can see a '7' from board "A" according to the moving trace, as below:
A:Hisha piece - can move only up, down, left and right. As up and right side already out of the board, no need to count. So you can see a '7' from board "A" according to the moving trace, as below:
B:香只可以向上移 B:Kyosha piece, can move up only, see "1"
C:香只向上 ;飛上,下,右 (右邊已經出棋盤,唔計)
C: Kyosha piece can move up only ; Hisha can move up, down and left (right already out of the board) , see "4"
C: Kyosha piece can move up only ; Hisha can move up, down and left (right already out of the board) , see "4"
D: 香向上 ; 飛向上,下,左,右
D: Kyosha can move up only ; Hisha move up, down, left and right (movements out of the boards are not counted), doubled line count as 1, so you see "9" here
D: Kyosha can move up only ; Hisha move up, down, left and right (movements out of the boards are not counted), doubled line count as 1, so you see "9" here
9. 鏍絲批:
i) 將雪柜內温度較去冷凍(向右)
9. Screwdriver:
i. Make sure the temperature of the fridge is turned to "freezer"
ii. Go to the sink, put on the faucet's handle, open the faucet, use the cup to take some water
iii. Put the screwdriver shaft into the cup (with water)
iv. Put the cup into the fridge, water around inside the room, water will turn to ice
v. Take out the frozen cup, put it under the water of the sink, here you go a ice screwdriver
10. 骰: 書枱右邊,同牆相連空隙夾住,用鏍絲批拎
10. Dice: go to the right side of the desk, between the wall and the desk, take it out with the screwdriver
10. Dice: go to the right side of the desk, between the wall and the desk, take it out with the screwdriver
11. USB 線:書枱電線後方,按左邊書枱可以見有野响入面,再點書枱可以移開,拎 USB 線 (一定要拎左骰先, 拎唔倒既先去電腦底個柜桶,話開唔倒先,再試)
11. USB cord: behind the desk (close to the curtain), click once you'll find something in between there, then backward 1 time the screen, click the desk, the desk will move out and you can then take the USB cord (you have to take the dice, and try to open the drawer under the computer first)
11. USB cord: behind the desk (close to the curtain), click once you'll find something in between there, then backward 1 time the screen, click the desk, the desk will move out and you can then take the USB cord (you have to take the dice, and try to open the drawer under the computer first)
12. 風筒:拎完USB線,可以打開電腦下個柜桶
12. Dryer: Go to the drawer under the computer, just open it
12. Dryer: Go to the drawer under the computer, just open it
13. 電池:書枱上個鐘,番轉,用鏍絲批打開
13. Battery: Turn the clock on the desk, use the screwdriver to open the screw
13. Battery: Turn the clock on the desk, use the screwdriver to open the screw
14. 鎖匙:
i) 檢視將棋,用鏍絲批,會變一條小匙
iii)將風筒插入書枱牆後個插頭,再點骰,可以撕走面頭紅色貼子,用之前 ’將棋‘ 合成粒棋鎖匙打開粒骰
14. Key:
14. Key:
i. Check the Osho piece, turn to the back, use screwdriver, it'll turn to a key
ii. Check the dice, use screwdriver, find the 'red dot' is a sticker but cannot be taken out
iii. Plug in the dryer to the outlet (around where you found the dryer), highlight the dice and click on the dryer, sticker will be disappeared. Use the Osho key to open the dice, here you go another key
15. 頭骨:
i) 去 C 枱,反轉枱上個鐘,於底部入電池
ii) 去鐘正面,貼上貼子 (item 7), 見提示 CAEA
解: C = 4 (見 item 8 C); A = 7 (見 item 8 A)
E =去 D 枱,有咖啡嘖,見隔離有個 E 字。將毛巾放上去,再放 ‘角棋’所啡色漬最底位置。角棋只可向左上,右上,左下,右下 行,所以得出 X (乘號),拎番毛巾,待用
15. Skull:
i. Go to table C, put the battery into the blue clock on the table
ii. See the front side of the blue clock, put the Tape on (item 7 of your inventory list), see CAEA
Decode: Refer to above decoding, C = 4, A = 7
E: go to table D, see the coffee stain, see the "E". Put the handkerchief below the stain, put the Kaku piece on. According to the rules of Kaku movement, you'll find out it turns to "X" as below (take back the handkerchief): iii) 去地球儀下個密碼柜,入 0329 (CAEA = 47 * 7 = 0329)
iii. Go to the safe lock under the Globe, enter 0329 (coz CAEA = 47x 7 = 0329)
iii. Go to the safe lock under the Globe, enter 0329 (coz CAEA = 47x 7 = 0329)
16. 相機
i) 檢視頭骨,觀骨位有粒鏍絲,用鏍絲批打開
iii)再按一次令對 ‘眼’向柜入面,可以見有個頭頂位有個窿,插入鎖匙
16. Camera
i. Check the Skull, see a screw there, unlock by the screwdriver
ii. Check the Globe, open the open wood support, turn it until you can see the 'eyes', then put the skull on the globe
iii. Click once the skull, see a hole on the skull/ globe, put the 'key' inside
iv. Click the eyes of the skull/globe, then you can move away the skull, open the globe, here's the camera
i)去電腦,見 ‘door_pass' 檔案,有提示:DAEF
解: D, 見 8 i) D = 9 ; A, 見 8 i) A = 7 ; E - 見 15 ii) E
F - 去窗邊,將手巾貼上,有三點 “X” 提示, 用玻璃點手巾左上角,會cut 走左三個 X 形 (留意毛巾响窗上時,見倒毛巾上有個 “F” 字“)
- 去電腦,插入 USB 線,再加相機
- 去電腦,插入 USB 線,再加相機
- 開電腦,有個 “F” 檔案,打開,放上毛巾,見 ‘香,金,飛’
﹣香向上行 ;金向上,下,左,右,左上,右上 ;
﹣飛向上,下,左,右行。得出 17 (之前以為係 177 但話唔啱,試 17 OK,結論係重覆線當一條線睇,即係兩個 7 重叠左變一個 7)
ii)所以DAEF = 97 * 17 =1649
i. Go to the computer, see file 'door_pass', hints: DAEF
Decode: you know already DAE means 97 x 1 (F), to find F:
﹣Go the window, put the handkerchief on it, get closer, see 3 'X' marks, use the mirror shards to click any of the X, all 3 'X' marks will be taken (click also the "F" mark on the handercheif before you remove it)
- Go to the computer, plug in the USB cord and the camera
- Open the "F" file, put the handkerchief on the monitor, can see only three pieces. Pieces movements as below:
ii. As DAEF = 97 x 17 , so the final password of the door is 1649